Quickly setup BloodHound CE to be accessible from another IP in the network, first of course is to install Docker.

This command will set up BloodHound CE to be available on all interfaces at port 10000:

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sudo bash -c 'export BLOODHOUND_HOST=; export BLOODHOUND_PORT=10000; curl -L https://ghst.ly/getbhce | docker compose -f - up'

Make sure you have set a strong password in the GUI since it will be accessible in the network.


Before the function to clear the database was added, I used a script to delete the existing data, might be useful to some people so I’ll leave it here:

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docker container rm staging-graph-db-1
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q | grep neo4j-data)
systemctl restart docker

Replace staging-graph-db-1 with the directory where the BloodHound CE is started at. For example, if was started at /home/xre0us/, the name would be xre0us-graph-db-1.